
Please print the following form and return it via fax if using paypal or via postal mail if using payment by company check, or money order. Payable to: Micro Online Services, Inc.

Fax 1-213-341-0808

Micro Online Services, Inc.
3525 Del Mar Heights Road, #408
San Diego, CA 92130 USA 

1-800-806-3210 x707 ( toll free USA)
1-213-341-0808 x707 (International)
Or fax 1-213-341-0808

Advertising Purchase Order

Company Name :__________________________________________________

Contact Person :________________________________________________



Country:_________________________Zip Code:______________________

Email: ____________________________________________


Destination URL to send traffic    ___________________________________

Url of graphic to be used      ________________________________________

All prices are in US Dollars. Please check which program you wish to order.

__Global Clickthru Button Program 1,500 clickthrus           $270 ________

__Global Clickthru Button Program 3,000 clickthrus           $450 ________

__Global Impression Rotating Banner Program 40,000 views     $200 ________

__Home or MOB Exclusive top of page banner 20,000 views      $300 ________
     Url of requested page:_____________________________

__Add Deposit to Sponsor site PPC account                         ________
     PPC account name ______________________________

                                                Total Enclosed   $________




Note: For availablity of exclusive banner positions at specified category, or home pages of Aarens.com, Applelove.com,
Alldatinglinks.com, or A1singles.com. Please contact info@microonlineservices.com to confirm availability before ordering.


Signature_________________________ Date _________________

Micro Online Services, Inc. copyright@2010
